Colors Area Rug For Sale

Colors Area Rug

Colors Area Rug

Rich, calm, colorful. The Colors Area Rug designed by Nani Marquina sets the tone for a room with a soft, even surface of color more

Rich, calm, colorful. The Colors Area Rug designed by Nani Marquina sets the tone for a room with a soft, even surface of color made using an intricate hand-loomed Dhurrie composition. The traditional Dhurrie rug is one with origins in India. Nani Marquina's love for the country, its traditions, and its people began with a trip over 20 years ago. She works together with the countries master artisans to create a contemporary piece made with time-honored techniques. This piece is hand-loomed by Indian artisans in a tightly packed construction. Its uniform color is one Marquina sought to show the natural colors in the world. The result is an eye and soul pleasing piece.

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