Medley Rugs For Sale

Medley Rugs

Medley Rugs

Bold, intense, and chic. The Medley Rugs features simple geometric shapes that can easily blend into any modern designed more

Bold, intense, and chic. The Medley Rugs features simple geometric shapes that can easily blend into any modern designed interior. Several striking and vibrant colors are offered in this monochromatic rug. That combined with the geometrical silhouette, a versatile decoration is born to blend and brighten any surrounding effortlessly. Made with a Microfiber, Cotton base, these carpets are durable for excessive usage. There are three sizes to choose from. Two of them are rectangular, while the other one is a circle. These options mean you are bound to find a structure and color that will work. The Medley Rugs are the perfect addition to a living room or bedroom.

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