Irish Flanelle Area Rug For Sale

Irish Flanelle Area Rug

Irish Flanelle Area Rug

A testament to the beauty and comfort of natural wool. What a cozy Irish knit does to your body the Irish Flanelle Area Rug from more

A testament to the beauty and comfort of natural wool. What a cozy Irish knit does to your body the Irish Flanelle Area Rug from Toulemonde Bochart replicates with your feet in its charming handwoven construction. The rug takes wool in its purest form and transforms it into a rug that captures all its rustic, comforting qualities. The natural, untreated wool is handwoven in a pattern of plump loops and artful details. The textured design brightens up the intriguing visuals of the room with a sense of tranquility. Gliding your feet across its surface or laying over it is a pure delight.

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