Daventry Flushmount For Sale

Daventry Flushmount

Daventry Flushmount

Clean, sharp, refined. Brighten up your rooms while accentuating their sophisticated feel with the Daventry Flushmount from Minka Lavery....read more

Clean, sharp, refined. Brighten up your rooms while accentuating their sophisticated feel with the Daventry Flushmount from Minka Lavery. Tall or short ceilings are great candidates for this flush-sitting piece. Its enduring character comes from its metal construction. The solidly built piece catches the eyes with its crisp metal edges. This metal structure outlines a square silhouette that complements the architectural lines around it. Bordered by the metal, white glass panels make sure light reaching your eyes is evenly spread and glare-free. Light scatters through the glass and exits into the room to provide a spacious glow.

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