Bouquet Pendant For Sale

Bouquet Pendant

Bouquet Pendant

Simply spellbinding. The Bouquet Pendant from Maxim Lighting blurs the line between art and lighting. It’s a visually rich more

Simply spellbinding. The Bouquet Pendant from Maxim Lighting blurs the line between art and lighting. It’s a visually rich design that looks good from every angle. The key is its open-air steel structure. The structure’s crisp edges give the beautiful crystals inside a display-like quality. In a bountiful bouquet, steel stems lift towards the sky in gentle curves. Beveled crystal petals top the stems as dazzling light-reflecting elements. Understated behind the petals, classic candelabra bulbs produce a warm, shining glow that catches on the multi-faceted petals as brilliant highlights and colors.

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